
Good Wipes

In Uncategorized on November 21, 2011 by koryz

I’ve been doing a lot of wiping of late. And I’ve found there is good wiping and bad wiping.

Our typical raid time is 19:45 to 23:00 server, and wiping from 19:45 right through to 23:00 easily turns good into bad, although there are days when actually I’m quite sad to see the end of the raid come, even if we have just spent over 3 hours dying to the fire lord Rag.

But this past month I’ve also been wiping to new things. Quite a few of us Dragons are on the public test realm, and so I’ve been wiping in 10-man Dragon Soul against some of the slightly harder bosses. We had to pug a tank last night and the mechanism to Warlord Zon seemed far too hard for him/her to grasp. Although with how smoothly the first boss and the blob boss went at least we have two farm bosses from the first week 4.3 releases. Although it’s the Warlord that drops some awesome haste spirit gear but with a Dragons tank I’m sure it’s a fairly simple boss and we’ll quickly add that one to the farm list.

I’ve also been wiping in 5-man heroics and the 25-man raid finder Dragon Soul. So far I’ve had a one almost blob boss kill (as you can see I’ve yet to memorise the names), no actual kills but I’ve got to be honest the raid finder has been pretty awesome at getting familiar with the fight mechanics and knowing what to expect and when and for that alone I’m glad. I’ve also completed End Time so far, none of the others. And seriously, what the hell is with Murozond? Blizzard seriously, why would you chose an anagram for his name! Was so obvious even before I set foot in there for the first time. Anyway I digress but before I move on, I hate that you can kill the Aspect of Time himself in a 5-man dungeon. How lame!

Oh and the other wiping I partook in was on Nefarian in BWD. My former guild has been struggling to get back to its former raiding in Wrath. A fair few of the former raiders have moved to raiding guilds, myself included, and therefore they have sometimes struggled to fill a 10-man, so on Saturday since I was free I helped them on my Death Knight, as they needed melee. Its gear sufficiently for BWD, but I’ve not really geared it recently – whilst it has does have 353 shoulders it is in 359 and 365 gear. We had a 8% wipe, when 3 of the ranged dps had died and we hit the berserk timer, other than that, we had a few good tries but for the most part a lot of players struggled with phase 3 and moving out of shadowblaze. Although with a little more time we could have killed it, but we were just too tired towards the midnight-1AM mark and focus had been lost. With raiding Sun-Thursday with Dragons I don’t often have time to raid with them which is a shame, as I really would love for them to be able to down Nefarian with a full guild run.

On other news, I’ve got 800-odd searing cinders now and am really looking forward to being able to use the haste-loaded 391 stage 2 legendary staff. We have the Rag kill tomorrow, and then 3 25-man heroic bosses on Wednesday should hopefully be enough to get 200. I’ll be really miffed if I need like 1 or 2 cinders and prevent the other shadow priest in our group from getting the 5th drop of cinders.

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